Baby Has Hysterical Reaction To Grandma Using His Pacifier

Grandmas are just the greatest. They are over the moon thrilled when they are informed of their new title and cannot wait to get their hands on that sweet little bundle of joy.

From that new baby scent to the teeny tiny onesies, grandmas love their special role. Some grandmas support th

umb-sucking while others recognize the merits of a pacifier.

Many parents rely on pacifiers to help their babies self soothe when they are upset or sleepy and as long as grandma is able to get her hands on that beautiful baby, they are happy to oblige! There is a myriad of pacifier options out there, too, and it’s easy to get lost in the sea of pacifier selections.

But one thing’s for sure, if a baby has both a pacifier and a grandma, he or she is one lucky little human being. In the video below, one cute guy is cradled in grandma’s arms.

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