10-Year-Old With A Sweet Voice Sings “Hallelujah”

Jasmine Clarke is barely a tween but she’s already singing like a seasoned professional – and she’s even set up like one too! Notice her top-of-the-line microphone and the background music to her song that even has sound effects! She’s got her family’s support because they know their little girl has got the talent. All Jasmine has to do is open her mouth and let her song be heard.

While she may be small in size, her voice and passion are loud. That’s why she’s got the in-home studio so she can practice perfecting her craft – and she’s only ten years old! She’s just going to get better and better!



Originally from Perth, Australia, Jasmine has been musically inclined since she was a tot. Her parents wanted to encourage their daughter, so they helped her by moving to Los Angeles where there’s more opportunity to pursue what she wants. In this home video, Jasmine has chosen to sing Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” for her adoring fans. Not an easy song! While some parts are smooth and not too challenging, other parts and lifts are. Especially in Jasmine’s version. She starts out slow and methodical, building interest. Her voice is sweet and present. She’s not taking too many risks or jumping between notes, but it’s steady, and it sounds pretty.

After the second verse and chorus, Jasmine kicks it up a notch on the third verse. She switches gears to give a more heartfelt emotional performance. Her notes become higher and more pronounced, and she throws her voice a little more, showcasing what she’s able to do with it. Notice how she becomes a little more animated too – she finds strength in her voice by moving her arms and using more of her body. Jasmine also adds a little bit of a pop flair by changing up the syllable emphasis on the word “Hallelujah” a couple of different times in the closing of the song.

While the first part of the song was a bit more of a warm-up, she definitely brings it home later in the song, gaining confidence and trust and believing in herself and her talent. It seems to me that this girl has got lots of potential and she’s going to go far in a matter of a few years! I think we’ll be seeing her on “American Idol” soon enough!

Click below to watch Jasmine in her comfort zone. She’s got it going on!

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