4-Year-Old Has Clever Response For Bully Who Called Her “Ugly”

Do you know what’s cool about being young? The fact that you’re completely uninhibited with what you say, and not socially influenced to be or act a certain way. Each child has a strong personality, and whether it is from nature or nurture, peer pressure has yet to distract them from who they are and what they’re all about.

Having said that, this video is an absolute gem as it completely validates the above statement. It involves a young girl who is only four years old and in pre-school. Her mother is recording her as she talks about a bad incident that happened at school that day. Unfortunately, the little girl was made to feel upset because one of her peers called her “ugly.” And while this heartbreaking incident may make you feel sad for the young girl, it is what comes next that’ll have you feeling proud.



The little girl’s mother asks her daughter to talk about the incident and to tell the camera how she responded to the young boy’s remark. What response was that? One that goes a little something like this, “I didn’t come here to make a fashion statement, I came here to learn—not look pretty!” Is that not the sassiest, most confident and respectful comment you’ve ever heard? This little girl owned that bully, for sure!

Hats off to this little girl, and big props to her mother who taught her to stand up for herself, and to be confident while always respecting others. You go, girl! We could all benefit from being just as bold and confident as this young lady!

Watch her response below, and if you’ve adored this heartwarming video, or if it managed to bring a smile to your face, be sure to share it with your friends and family.

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