Sanitation Worker And 4-Year-Old Have Sweet Dance Off

“These guys work for the Georgetown sanitation,” says Erin, Finn’s mother. “They are our normal crew but the kids all through the neighborhood love them! They honk the horn when they pull up so the kids can come to the doors or outside to see them, the friendliest bunch ever!”

She shares how her son always loves to watch them work when they come through the neighborhood, and this particular instance, one worker added in some extra entertainment!



“Every day, Finn runs out to watch them. Yesterday he was like, ‘I feel like dancing for them.’ It shocked him when he danced back,” Erin says.

What a fun exchange between the two! And this 4-year-old and sanitation worker have definitely got some sweet dance moves! It is moments like this that connect us and bring joy and happiness to our hearts.

What is a small way that you can connect with someone today? Maybe sending an encouraging text to a friend or sharing a kind word and a smile with the person checking you out at the grocery store? As humans, we all desire connection, and it is in those small moments where we can feel the most seen and loved by those around us.

We hope that you enjoyed watching this video today and it was able to bring a smile to your face!

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