Talented 14-Year-Old Girl Sings “Angel”

It’s hard to tell how well a young person can sing, by merely seeing them walk onstage. We all know that appearances can be deceiving, but especially in this industry, where appearances mean everything, you can’t jump to conclusions immediately. The benefit of the doubt must be put in place until the singing starts.

This teen is 14-year-old Olivia Archbold, and she’s a schoolgirl who says that from the moment she wakes up she doesn’t think about anything else other than singing. She starts singing as she walks down the stairs. She even sits in math class thinking about what it would be like in five years’ time to be a star on stage singing to millions of people.

Olivia is extra nervous as she walks on stage. She tells the judges and audience she will be performing Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel” to which Simon leans in towards Amanda and says, “That’s a hard song to sing…” And it is. I know, I’ve tried. A great song, but a challenging one!



It’s obvious that Simon is the only one that always has something to say. He either supports a contestant when they first come up or has no faith in them at all. I think for this performance, it was the ladder. I don’t know if Olivia felt that vibe from him, or any of the other judges for that matter, but she didn’t let any of it come in her way.

The teen may be “nervy,” but she collects herself well. She gives her family a big smile and thumbs up as music starts. From the first note, she’s got ‘em hooked. Amanda’s face is an expression of relief and pride, happy that the teen is actually good, and her song choice appropriate. Olivia carries on through the first verse, her sweet and pretty voice angelic and warm. She sings with calmness, making the song her own, and delighting everyone who’s listening.

She reaches the crescendo, nailing the high notes, and closes with a bang. Simon even says, “Wow!” (I’m sure this reaction has to be rewarding) The crowd starts screaming, and her family is thrilled. Olivia gets some positive feedback about how professional and confident her performance was. Overall, the job is fantastically well done!

Do you think Olivia can pull off a win in this competition? We’d like to read your thoughts in the comments below!

Click below to watch Olivia in her singing element!

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